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Alexandria Cupcake Owners Share Their Experience Of Working Together

Love is in the air and it takes a brave soul to go into business with your other half. Long hours, sweaty kitchens, or the never-ending crunching of numbers are not known for being aphrodisiacs. The owners of Alexandria Cupcake share their secrets to maintaining both a successful business and a happy relationship.
Alexandria Cupcake owners Kathy and Adnan Hamidi have been together for 13 years and working together for 11
As per the Alexandria Gazette Packet, "Kathy: “We are celebrating our 7/13 anniversary – together for 13 years and married for seven. We have been working together for 11 years. I think what makes it work is that he is a big picture person and I am a detail person so between the two of us we cover everything.”

Adnan: “Working with your spouse is not for everybody. It takes balanced and a lot of patience. We have been lucky in that without even trying to find it we ended up having the chemistry to work together. A lot of people have tried it and it doesn’t work. I also don’t think for entrepreneurs it is possible to separate work and home – there’s a blend and in all reality, we do sit at night and talk about work. But we are never at work together – we have two different locations and she has her own business that she runs out of the house. But look at Mike and Donna Anderson. They are living proof that with the right person, decades later it can work."

Properties in Cameron Station

5010 Grimm Dr Alexandria VA

5010 Grimm Dr - 3 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths

Home size: 2,116 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Cameron Station

Added: 02/06/25

Property Type: Interior Unit Townhouse for Sale

Price: $817,700

Last Updated: 02/07/2025

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