Julie Nesbitt is a full-time, friendly real estate pro. I work hard every day in and around Alexandria. 162 Martin Ln is just listed and looks like a good buy in many ways. But it's not important to me that my client buy this property, or any particular property in 22304 in Alexandria. Rather, it's more important to me that I do what's right for my client.
My desire in this write-up is to help you organize your priorities, so that you can move forward in your real estate search. What's important to you? Some of your considerations include:
Maybe you should rent? Do you like to live in a section with a lot rentals? Do you prefer to live in a neighborhood with few rentals? Currently for rent at Cameron Station
What type of heating system do you prefer? Electric? Maybe you like natural gas or the warmth of an oil furnace? The most typical heating system in this place is 90% forced air.
How important is it that you stay in 22304? Have you considered neighboring areas?
Do you have specific paint colors? Or, do you want to paint and pick your own colors?
Is the transportation network important to you?
Contact Nesbitt Realty today to discuss your needs and wants list. Nesbitt Realty wants you to find the right home at the right time.
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