Will can help you find a choice property in Alexandria
If you're thinking about a choice property in Alexandria, then you're going to want to think about square-footage.Mid-Sized Condo For $480,000 in 22304 in the City of Alexandria
5112 Donovan Dr #301, Alexandria VA was recently listed for sale and is advertised for sale for $480,000. Thus, you may want to deliberate on this condo (depending upon your price range). Still, the average living area of residences in the Alexandria area is 1,553 sqft.

Gorgeous 2 bedroom Condo in sought after Cameron Station. Enjoy views from your large balcony overlooking spectacular pocket park. Spacious open floor plan with updated hardwood floors, neutral paint, crown modeling, gas fireplace and more. ... [Read more]
$480,000 |-| 2 BR |-| 2 BA |-| 0 HB |-| 1,188 SQFT |-| 5112 Donovan Dr #301 Alexandria 22304 VAPondering a choice property in Alexandria? Compare these suggestions.
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Contact Will Nesbitt for a complete list of choice property in Alexandria real estate Listed For Sale.Are You Shopping For 1,832 Sqft Of Living Space?

Nesbitt Realty is a tiny real estate company serving Alexandria, Virginia.
Will Nesbitt can help you find the great choice property in Alexandria for you. The number of U.S. households is expected to rise 10 to 15 percent over the next decade. Accordingly, Will Nesbitt advises, "The increase in U.S. households will create continued high demand for housing, which will of course affect the price of real estate in Alexandria."