Large Interior Unit Townhouse For $785,000 in Alexandria, Virginia
108 Martin Ln, Alexandria VA recently came to the real estate market and is listed for sale for $785,000. Accordingly, you may want to really consider this dwelling (depending upon your pre-approved price limit). However, consider that the average living area of residences in the Alexandria area is 1,695.
Welcome home to Cameron Station! This 4 level townhouse with 2 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and a loft is the perfect home for you from the ground up! Walking into the home is a foyer with a living area and easy access to the large 2 car garage. Up ... [Read more]
$785,000 || 3 BR || 3 BA || 1 HB || Alexandria
About The Same Size As 108 Martin Ln?
All the interior unit townhouses in this table are circa the same living area as 108 Martin Ln. Why compare properties of a similar size to 108 Martin Ln in the NOVA region? Besides, by comparing similarly sized properties, a home buyer can get the asking price and the real estate market in the NOVA region.
Communities In the City of Alexandria Around $785,000
All the neighborhoods in this table have properties listed which are approximately the same living area as 108 Martin Ln. Why identify areas like this? Because, by comparing several places, a home buyer can understand what is as a matter of fact available in the City of Alexandria.
Monika's pointers of the day for buyers looking at 108 Martin Ln in Alexandria
Shopping for real estate online can increase the property seeker's temptation to bump up the price range. "Some real estate shoppers just have trouble sticking to the budget,” says Monika Ortiz, an easy to work with real estate agent in Alexandria, Virginia. "One way to avoid this mistake is to get preapproved for a loan so you know exactly how much you can actually afford." 108 Martin Ln is currently selling at $785,000. This interior unit townhouse has 2,400 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty will rebate approximately $4,804 to our client when they use Monika Ortiz as their buyer agent. Interior Unit Townhouses in Cameron Station were built in 2000. Monika Ortiz is a personable ace in Alexandria real estate especially like 108 Martin Ln in the 22304 area. For this reason, if you want words to the wise from a tech savvy expert, contact Monika Ortiz. Monika Ortiz loves saving home hunters money in 22304.
Kim Nesbitt
Additional Listings About The Same Price
Monika Ortiz can help you, if you would like to tour 108 Martin Ln or any of the homes below. Furthermore, if needed, Monika can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run real estate company serving 22304 in the City of Alexandria.
If you have questions about this residence, get in touch with buyers agent Monika Ortiz. She can help you with any home listed for sale in Alexandria, Virginia.