3-BR Place - Alexandria VA 22304
Do you have reasons to be anxious when we're talking about $650,000 for a 3-bedroom interior unit townhouse like 403 Cameron Station Blvd #60 in Alexandria?
Possibly, you don't know anything about resale value. But, an expert in 22304 in the City of Alexandria real estate like Julie Nesbitt can help you understand the benefits and risks of buying in Alexandria. On the other hand, there are always risks in Alexandria, Virginia real estate. But, a meticulous Realtor not unlike Julie is able to advise you to manage or avoid many of the risks associated with buying a place in Alexandria, Virginia.
Welcome to this stunning, brick front condo in Woodland Hall at Cameron Station. This two level end unit is filled with natural light, gorgeous paint colors and has been meticulously maintained. Upon entry you’ll find an open floorplan, ... [Read more]

$655,000 - 3 bed - 2 bath - 1 half-bath -
Alexandria 22304 VA
How Much Is A Late 20th-Century 3-Bedroom Interior Unit Townhouse In Alexandria, Virginia?
For Sale In the City of Alexandria With A Basement
Would you like a basement? If so, you're probably interested the the table below. The table describes how many interior unit townhouses on the market for approximately $655,000 have a basement in the City of Alexandria.
Check the status on 403 Cameron Station Blvd #60 - Cameron Station - Alexandria - 22304 -
Alexandria Home Buying Tips
Julie's pro tips of the day for buyers looking at 403 Cameron Station Blvd #60 in Alexandria
Julie Nesbitt is tireless and professional for buyer clients in Alexandria. 403 Cameron Station Blvd #60 is in Alexandria, Virginia and has been listed for 2 days. This place of residence has 1,879 sqft of above grade living area. The seller is asking $655,000. In the City of Alexandria, homes are typically 43 years old. Julie Nesbitt can help you find opportunities in 22304 not listed on home search sites and can help you avoid out-of-date listings that might be showing up as listed for sale online but are no longer selling.
Additional Listings About The Same Price
Julie Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to inspect 403 Cameron Station Blvd #60 or any of the residences below. Besides, if needed, Julie can provide details and more information.
Julie Nesbitt can help.
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