Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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400 Cameron Station Blvd #436, Alexandria Real Estate Update

How Much Do Choice Residences Cost At Cameron Station in Alexandria?

Should you make an offer purchase 400 Cameron Station Blvd #436? Maybe.  To answer that with confidence, Stuart Nesbitt has to know the answer to a number of questions. Can you afford $500,000? Is it actually worth $523,845 or $473,955? Are you shopping for a 2-bedroom Colonial-style property in 22304? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $2,484 on this penthouse acquisition? Connect with Stuart Nesbitt to learn more from your specialist on 22304 real estate. Continue reading "400 Cameron Station Blvd #436, Alexandria Real Estate Update"
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5120 Donovan Dr #408, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale

Just Listed: in Northern Virginia 22304 ※ $500,000

Should you make an offer buy 5120 Donovan Dr #408? It could be. But, you have to ask yourself these questions. Can you afford $510,000? Is it actually worth $551,000 or $449,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $2,574 on this purchase? Are you looking for a millennial place of residence in 22304? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Get in touch with Stuart Nesbitt to learn more from your pro on 22304 in Alexandria real estate. Continue reading "5120 Donovan Dr #408, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale"
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Condominium Real Estate Inventory Update

How is the real estate market 09/11/2021 for condos?

Are you deliberating the possibility of purchasing a condo in 22304 in Alexandria? There's a lot to learn about buying a condo in Northern Virginia and we can help. In addition, you could be shocked by what is happening in the condominium real estate market. See below for more info about the current state of the condominium real estate market, including
  • condo inventory data,
  • what condominiums have recently sold in the area, and
  • facts about condominiums currently for sale.
Julie Nesbitt would be happy to help your find your best condo. Continue reading "Condominium Real Estate Inventory Update"
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4951 Brenman Park Dr #316, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale

What Kind Of Condo Can I Buy In Alexandria For $450,000?

Every buying decision starts with a price and a prequalified spending limit. 4951 Brenman Park Dr #316 is in 22304 in Alexandria and has been on the market for 4 days. This property has 993 sqft of above grade living area. The seller is asking $454,000. 4951 Brenman Park Dr #316, Alexandria VA recently came to the real estate market and is on the market for $454,000. For this reason, you may want to ponder this condo (depending upon your prequalified spending limit). Continue reading "4951 Brenman Park Dr #316, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale"
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171 Somervelle St #306, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

Alexandria Virginia Listed ⁞ ⁞ $419,900

We really like the dream home opportunities in 22304 in Alexandria especially at 171 Somervelle St #306. Here's some basic s.  

Real Estate Data About The City of Alexandria

  • The median age of homes in the City of Alexandria is 46 years. 171 Somervelle St #306 is 20 years old.
  • The City of Alexandria has an average price per square foot of $394 . On the other hand, 171 Somervelle St #306 is $394 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the City of Alexandria is 61 days.
  • The average living area in the City of Alexandria is 1,321 sqft. But even so, 171 Somervelle St #306 has 1,067 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that masonry is the most common type of exterior in the City of Alexandria?
4600 Duke St #508 is the least expensive home in the City of Alexandria. 4600 Duke St #508 is listed for $1,650. But, 5 Pioneer Mill #401 is the highest-priced home in the City of Alexandria. 5 Pioneer Mill #401 is asking $4,695,000. Actually, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. In contrast, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 08/29/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Julie Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the City of Alexandria about condos not unlike 171 Somervelle St #306. Continue reading "171 Somervelle St #306, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch"
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Finding A Choice Property In Alexandria In Alexandria

Certainly, you can find a choice property in Alexandria in Northern Virginia. But there are only a limited number of choice properties in The City of Alexandria. Maybe one of them is the ideal home for you. If it's not 5112 Donovan Dr #301, then it might be one of the properties listed below. To discover more about this 2-bedroom condo, email a buyers agent like Will Nesbitt. He is the specialist on real estate in 22304. Continue reading "Finding A Choice Property In Alexandria In Alexandria"

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